Tantrum, Meet Meltdown

Photo by Marcus Woodbridge on Unsplash My son is fascinated with pretty much all aspects of keeping time. He even dutifully stays awake waiting for 11:59 pm to turn into a new month, season, year. So, during winter break, I had a Normal Rockwell daydream of my son and I going to Barnes and Noble […]

The Thankful Jar: Week 5

30 Days of Thankfulness Day 26: Mommy and Son Decoration Day and Gingerbread House Day My son went from no interest and no awareness of Christmas to surpassing me in my excitement. Now my husband has to hold two people back from decorating before Thanksgiving is over. For months my son has been saying “November […]

The Thankful Jar: Week 3

30 Days of Thankfulness Day 12: Veterans To all veterans—a huge thank you. Your service goes beyond protecting your country and its citizens. Ray and I watched a documentary on the Korean War and I realized that was the war my grandfather served in. Which made him part of the reason I was even able […]

The Thankful Jar: Week 2

30 Days of ThankfulnessDay 5: Religious Freedom and Volunteers I am always thankful that I live in a country where I can choose what I believe and gather and worship God openly. And having a child with autism adds another layer of thankfulness. Not every church has enough of a volunteer base to support kids […]

The Thankful Jar : Week 1

Quick note to subscribers: Sorry there has been crickets in the whale belly lately. I am posting daily on my social media about thankfulness and one of my subscribers asked if I could send them via email. So I am going to do a “weekly roundup” that includes all my thankful jar posts for that […]

Facing a Small but Important Parenting Quandary

In this summer season where time with my son increases I am finding myself falling down the rabbit hole of distraction, taking on editing gigs, outlining new picture books, switching laundry detergents, uncoagulating the top of the dishwashing liquid—anything to avoid the more important thing: playing more with my son. And after some reflection I […]

Faith in the Desert

It was a moment I had waited 9 years for. My son gave me a hug and I said, “I love you!” Instead of the usual silence, he responded, for the first time ever, with a singsong,  “I love you, too!’ As a special needs parent, the experience of waiting for small things, like hearing […]

The Power of Silence

In Autism Breakthrough, Raun K. Kaufman comments that many parents and speech therapists will try to provide language to nonverbal kids by constantly narrating when they interact with them. “What’s the problem with narrating? When you do this, you take up all the verbal space. When you take up the verbal space, there is no […]

Less Striving, More Praying

At around 10pm on Thursday night, my eight-year-old son turned to me and said, “Feeling sick Friday. Stay home.” (He showed no signs of illness.) For a few reasons, I had to pick my jaw off the floor. First, my son, who has limited communication skills and struggles with social interactions, was Ferris Buellering me.  […]

But First, Join

In his book, Autism Breakthrough, Raun explains that since autism is a social-relational disorder, our method of helping our children should be a social-relational one. His method called “joining” stands in contrast to ABA therapy, which attempts to eliminate repetitive, antisocial behavior and replace it with more socially desirable behavior. Raun, who once had autism, […]

A Less Fragile Peace

On December 23, 2022 we experienced a blackout. We don’t experience them very often, so it triggered anxiety for my son. He kept unplugging the light from the battery pack then back into the wall socket, saying “light on!” and pacing when nothing happened. We tried to explain that it was a blackout, that we […]

Spreading Peace

“Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.” (Romans 14:19). Romans 14:19 came to life for me years ago in a Trader Joe’s. I was trying to fill my cart while distracting my sensory-overloaded son with my phone. A woman walked past me, saw me struggling, and […]

How Character Produces Hope

“Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” (Romans 5:3-5) From May through mid-November […]

The Christmas Loophole

Right in the middle of the Christmas hustle and bustle, the cold I had avoided since 2019 finally caught up with me and forced me to come to a grinding halt on all fronts. My brain wasn’t functioning enough to write, I couldn’t go anywhere, and I was conflicted about licking envelopes and sending my […]

Peace of Mind

Do you know that in the field of education, books are categorized as educational “experiences?” They are in the same category as field trips. It makes sense. When we can’t take kids into space, reading a book can still paint a vivid picture in their mind of what it is like to travel there. We […]

When Life Hands You Baking Soda…

My seven-year-old son has been reacquainting himself with Laurie Berkner and is currently obsessed with her song The Cookie Bakers of the Night. So, one night, wanting to do something fun with my son,  I asked Caleb if he wanted to bake cookies with me. His response was an affirmative scream.  I got all the […]

Helicopter Mom Confessions

Do you ever stumble into a perfect metaphor for your parenting in the middle of an ordinary day? I gripped the handlebar and back seat of my son’s bike, walk/running beside him. He wobbled up the hill, thrown off balance as he aggressively swatted my hand away. It seemed to me, in the moment, that […]

Great Adaptations: A Cautionary Tale About Pigeons and How I Found my Wings with Church Online

Back in pre-pandemic times, I was caught up with a crowd heading into NYC on a Friday night. The last adjective I would think to describe this scene would be “quiet,” but for some reason, as soon as we all boarded the train it was as if someone hit a mute button. The cause? An […]

God With Us

This year I finished reading Matthew right at the beginning of the Christmas season. It was nice to be reminded of the end at the beginning. He came to be with us as a baby and, then, in Matthew 28:20 tells us “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the […]

Dust Bunnies of the Soul

I don’t know about you, but I feel like the social scene—both media and old school in person—is becoming a dangerous activity riddled with land mines. The negativity coming at me from all different angles is affecting me today. I am empathetic and protective of my friends, loved ones, and random people I don’t even […]


As a Christian, I believe the world is messed up because we are in enemy territory. This enemy generally hates when we communicate effectively and so he clouds and smokescreens and sows lies entangled with truth. When I experience depression, the lie is that I should pull in and not talk because I am contaminated […]

God is the Best Quarantine Buddy: Part 1

The scene opens with me lying in the belly of the whale again, feeling overqualified for quarantine…  Me (singing): Here I am again on my own… God: Uh… Me: Oops. Keep forgetting You are here. If words were being rationed You would still make excellent points. Ah, the screen. The other way You make excellent […]

Facing Autism

I watch my wrecked world suddenly explode. Like Princess Leia, it is from a safe distance. Unlike Princess Leia, I watch half suctioned into the blowhole of a recently surfaced baleen whale who has come to ingest me. Eye contact, imitation, interaction, communication, empathy—benchmarks I didn’t think to even worry about were not being reached […]

Satan’s Tackle Box

By the time the whale swallows me I have been rendered helpless— tangled in gauzy white netting with coiled fishing line binding my wrists and ankles and what I can only imagine is a fuzzy fishing lure stuck in my ear canal. So embarrassing. As a highly developed mammal with opposable thumbs, you would think […]

Americano Idol

Here I am, Lord–suctioned to a whale tongue, clothing saturated with saltwater saliva clutching my coffee cup. Look at that grip! Uh, oh. You brought me here to talk about coffee? Can I just say that coffee is full of antioxidant qualities and reduces the risk of infections? It extends your life span, keeps you […]

The A Train to Nineveh

The first time I clearly heard Your voice I was hurtling through a tunnel toward Manhattan in a steel tube full of the people You created. I sat smugly reading the bible––you know, the book everyone else should be reading and the only correct answer to the “If you were stranded on a desert island […]

Waitress for the Kingdom

Okay, God. Here I am—obviously through divine intervention—sitting on a pile of fish guts in the belly of a whale, rapt with attention. All those cozy, whimsical childhood illustrations of Geppetto fishing by soft lamplight with Figaro off their swallowed, shipwrecked boat—lies. This place is creepy and an assault on the senses. I don’t even […]