“Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.” (2 Corinthians 13:11).
My first year teaching my students started bringing me odd gifts as Christmas approached—a wedding album, expired chocolate, old gift cards, a half used bottle of shampoo.
It took me a beat, but I realized that these kids were just bringing in items they found around their house to give as Christmas gifts. Many of these kids lived in a nearby homeless shelter. They had nothing, but desperately wanted to give something.
So I made a decision that year. I announced with dramatic flair that my absolute favorite gift to receive was a card handmade by the student that they wrote and signed all by themselves.
Then I created a nook in the classroom with all the necessary materials to make them, just in case they didn’t have supplies at home.
I didn’t know how much of a genius idea this was until years later. These cards melt my heart and they remind me of the kids and their unique personalities—something a gift could never do.
This is a great gift to get from adults as well. I used to give cards to my colleagues and write one or two affirmations, things I saw in them that were awesome. (I don’t think we can have too much of this in the world.)
People walked up four flights of stairs to pop into my room and thank me for those cards.
Gifts don’t have to be elaborate. If you are stressed because of your budget this year, just know that kind words on a card, especially a homemade one, can mean the world to someone.
They did to me.
(Oh, and when my husband did this? Best. Stocking. Stuffer. Ever!)
Lord, help keep us focused on the reason for the season—Jesus—and help us follow His example of loving and encouraging others. I pray peace and blessing over anyone struggling this season. May we all step away from stress and find simple ways to celebrate our relationships with one another and with You. Amen.